These photos are tests that will be used in the first scene. To get these photos I used the Canon 600D and a tripod, however for the final production I will use a mixture of handheld and tripod movement as it will be easier to film, and will make the film much me fluid and run smoothly. I will be able to do this as I will not be the subject of the film and will have an actor to film.
I found that a natural lighting source from my window did suffice along with the camera flash, however for the filming will use a key light from college, most likely an LED light, or I shall use a bulb lamp I have at home. To give an aesthetic to the film, I will be using coloured filters such as red and blue to create emotion and ambience.

These photos are used to also represent the first scene where I will establish the setting, a house party. I will show a speaker of some sort, and introduce diegetic music, as well as a mixture of non diegetic and diegetic sound of people talking at the party, as you never really see anyone's face, just their torso and down to create a busy and crowded feel, and will show alcohol on the table to show that the teenagers are intoxicated and that it is perhaps dangerous. For this scene, I would have quite a low light with perhaps flashing coloured lights using an at home disco light or coloured filters to create the effect of a party. As we get to the shots where we see the protagonist struggling and we see her thigh, I would have the music more muffled to create the effect that she is somewhere else, and will also layer the sound of heavy breathing, a heartbeat and whispering of random words and phrases such as "shh", "close your eyes" etc.

For this scene, I will film at college during the day as this scene actually takes place in college where we see the protagonist walking down the hallway with students either side of her, talking about her and making rude comments about her. This will be filmed with a hand-held camera with natural lighting at a midshot angle, maybe a zolly. The sound will be diegetic of the students speaking about her, and also the nondiegetic sound of her heartbeat again. This sound will all cut out as she opens the door and goes into the classroom. I don't have a test photo of this scene, but we will see
the teacher standing at the front of the class, explaining a project he wants them to complete. This will be an over the shoulder shot of all of the students where the teacher will be in full view. This last photo shown to the left will be of the mother reading her book, but for the time being, I used my dad to get the point across. This is when the protagonist gets home and doesn't conversate with her mother or father, but just looks at them instead and goes upstairs to her bedroom. The lighting will be quite a low lighting with a slightly warm orangey/yellow hazy undertone to it, perhaps using a gold reflector to create the warm light.

These photos are all taken on the tripod, however for filming it will be a mixture of handheld and tripod shots. This first image is a test for when the protagonist and her best friend are walking down the street talking together and will be filmed from this side on midshot angle using a handheld tracking shot. This middle photo is to show when the protagonist is thinking about the 'mystery man' that has been texting her, and I will overlay the video to show him with his arm around her shoulder, talking into her ear, however, his face will be hidden to keep the mystery. The last photo was really a test as I don't think I will use this angle, but instead will use the angle shown on my storyboard for scene 9, however I will have the phne in the shot and will have text messages on the side of the screen in the shot to show what thy have been texting abut, including the sound of the iphone notification wjich shall be diegetic sound.
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